Seriously, if you get offended easily by racial issues, don't read this post. Also, I'm not a racist, people in general piss me off, but it was mostly colored people that pissed me off last night.
So, for Valentines Day, Lily and I planned to go to Grand Rapids, visit the Rivertowns Crossing Mall, eat dinner at Outback, and watch Friday the 13th. For the most part, I enjoyed being with Lily, even if it seemed like I didn't because I was upset or irritated. Well, let me just run through the night and you'll see why I got so irritated.
It started with me finding that I was overdrawn in my checking account. A credit company did an unauthorized withdrawl from my checking account. I filled out dispute papers on Friday when I found out, but it could take up to 10 days to correct, if 5/3 bank sees that it was unauthorized (which they better). Well, because of that, I'm overdrawn in my checking account. So, I called the bank and explained the situation, and I make sure that those fees will get reversed once the dispute is finalized. They will, but in the mean time, I have no money. So, I had to rely on Lily to put gas in my truck and buy us some lunch. So, we begin our journey to Grand Rapids. I booked a room at the Radison, which I thought was somewhat close to the Rivertown Crossings Mall. Turns out, it wasn't. It was on the North end of 131 heading towards Muskeagon. It wasn't too far away from where I wanted to be, but it wasn't what I had in mind and it kind of made me irritated...a little bit. So, after we checked in, we went to see my friend Stephanie who is moving to Florida tomorrow. It was nice seeing her, but we left when her husband got there (awkward story for another time). So, we travel down 42nd (?) street to the Rivertown Crossings Mall. Lily has never been to this mall, so it was a treat for her. Come to find out, apparently Valentines Day is like Black Friday, it was busy as HELL! Maybe Rivertown is always like that, but I don't know. It took us literaly half an hour to find a parking spot. So, that kind of raised my irritation level. Stores where full, there where lines at the food court, and it was hot in there. Lily did some shopping and wowed at the amount of stores that where there. I suggested that maybe we should go to Outback and get in line, because I figured we'd have to wait. Before we did that, we went and bought our movie tickets at the Celebration Theatre in the mall.
Dinner at Outback was great. We didn't have to wait long, and the service was pretty good. I ordered a grilled tilapia with king crab stuffing on top with mushrooms, it was very good. Lily ordered a steak, which was just what she wanted, and then we finished with a piece of carrot cake. After a wonderful dinner, we headed back to the mall to go see Friday the 13th. Again, parking was a little hectic, but not as bad as earlier since it was later in the evening. We got into the theatre and found a good seat up top, which was fairly empty. As time went on, it got pretty busy. *OK, this is where it gets offensive* A group of maybe 8 or 10 black teenagers sat to the left of us, where an aisle seperated us from them. The seats on that side where arranged 2 to a row. To the right of us, another group of black people where sitting, at least 6 of them, and tehy where being fairly quiet. One of the black male teenagers on our left was being very loud, getting up, yelling, and sitting in the aisle because someone wasn't letting him sit in his seat I think. The lights go out and the trailers start showing. The ones that stood out where The Haunting in Conneticut, Transformers 2 (yay!), and The Watchmen (YAY YAY!). As the trailers where rolling, the black teenagers on our left where still being loud. The movie started, and everyone was being quiet and paying attention to the movie, except for the black teenager on our left. He was carrying on conversations with the group he was with. Looking around, everyone was annoyed, including me. As the movie progressed, he kept talking, and the movie got kinda weird. The beginning of the movie had to do with weed, which the black teenagers would whoop and yell whenever one of the characters talked about weed or smoked weed or so much as looked at weed. One of the characters came across a crop of weed, and the one loud black teenager yelled across the theatre to his buddy, who sat on the right of us, and they talked back and forth about wishing they had that weed. At one point, Lily said "shh" in the direction of the black teenager. He turned and replied with, "Don't shush me nigger!". I got up and yelled hey and he turned around and everyone got quiet. I was furious, and so was Lily. To have someone, who's talking through a movie and ruining it for everyone else (so I thought), and then call someone a nigger who tells him to be quiet, is fucking outrageous. For a minute, everyone was quiet, and then he started talking again. But the problem was, so was everyone else at this point. Almost everyone started talking while the movie was playing. Has everyone in the world lost that sense of respect for the people around them?! I looked at Lily and asked her if she wanted to leave and get out money back, she said yes. But after we talked about it, everyone got quiet, and the movie kept going. We sat there, both annoyed and irritated, as the theatre went quiet, then loud with people talking, then quiet again, then loud again. We finished the movie and walked out. I was furious, but Lily had let it go. I did not enjoy the movie because of some black teenagers.
When we got back to the hotel room, I was still irritated. I guess I was more mad at myself that I didn't get up and shut that kid up. I feel like I pussed out, in a way. Some black kid called my girlfriend a nigger, and all I did was yell hey. I should have stepped up and done something about the whole situation, but I didn't.
The other thing that irritates me is the whole racial issue. Because I called him black in my description, and because I have a problem with him, most people would call me a racist. Maybe the reasone no one did anything about him talking through the movie, myself included, is because we where afraid of the racial situation. One white guy surrounded by black people who stand up and tells one of them to shut up would be considered racial profiling, plus I probably would have gotten my ass kicked. But, he can call my girlfriend a nigger and no one would say anything about it. This also has something to do with my problem about why Barrack Obama was elected. This can just be my opinion, but he was elected mainly on the fact that he's black. That, and because Palin is crazy, but mostly because he's black. Everyone talked about him being such a nice black guy and how having a black president is going to change the world. Then, you have black communitites telling the news that they've never voted before, but will now because there is a black man running for office. How is that not racist on their part? They won't vote for a white man, but they'll vote for a black man? How come I don't see the big billboards that have the phrase "He's a very hard working black man" with the black word crossed out in red? Do you remember seeing those types of billboards? Teaching us that there is no difference between white and black people, so that black people can be accepted as equals, is suddently forgotten when something good happens to the black community. Funny, but man, that seems like racism to me.
I really wish I would have stood up and broken that kids jaw last night. Whether he was black, white, purple, yellow...whatever, he was annoying and he called my girlfriend a nigger. We shouldn't live in this kind of world. Hate me if you want, but it seems to me everyone is racist, it's just white people who get punished for it.
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